Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why do you like to dislike?

Have you seen these new sites around that give you a list of random crap to "like" on facebook, so you can spam your "friend's" facebooks with crap you "lol" at?

Here are a few I've seen recently. (Names changed, duh)

Here are the classic "liking something I actually hate" likes.

Donnie Shitforbrains likes "Hearing something that absolutely kills you inside. And having to act like you're fine."

Whiny LilGirl likes: " If a beautiful woman is insecure, you can thank the jackass that cheated on her."

Icant GetOverShit likes: "Each girl has that ONE boy... that they will NEVER lose feelings for. </3"

Then there are the ones that are meant to be "witty"

This bitch likes: "You two are dating...again??? ...because it worked REALLY well the first 20 times. idiots."

Holy Shit likes: "like this if you think hahahahahahahahaha is more effective than lol"

SameBitch AsBefore likes:  "Teacher: `Dont pack up, theres a few minutes left in class.` Students: *Packs up slowly & silently*

Ugh Fml likes: "2012? Seriously? I survived Y2K, 9/11, 6/6/6, 9/9/9, H1N1, & Swine Flu! BRING IT ON!!!"

Or the "quotes"

Like Addict likes "WEEE. WEE. WEEEEE! WEEE! WEEE-" "Max." "WEE WEE WEEE." "MAXWELL!" "Yeah?" "You're home." "Oh, cool...."

Ugh..I copy/Pasted these ALL from my facebook page today, all at the same time. Now, have fun as I seriously consider unfriending these people.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, the joys of e-culture. ;)

    Thanks for your comment on my blog!
