Friday, September 24, 2010

Well, Hello again, Internet.

Ah, we meet again.

Today marks the beginning of another feeble attempt at blogging. I've tried all of those other blogs before. Xanga, LiveJournal, Tumblr, and even ones I've most likely forgotten about by now. And here is a go at Blogspot.

I've tried all of those networking sites, craving attention of the world, wondering if someone off in China or some crap is reading the stupidity I have to post. I posted stories and poetry on FictionPress, I have photography on DeviantArt, I have a barely used twitter, a dead myspace, and a Youtube account which I use to troll and comment on random shit, but never actually posting anything of any worth myself. I do, however, use Facebook, as any bored 20-something does in their spare time. I also have a Dailybooth, which just screams "Look at me. I'm so badass because I make faces at a computer screen and snap a picture. Follow4Follow???".

(All of which, I will most likely end up linking to this page in another feeble attempt to get noticed by someone other than the people I associate myself with every day.)

Now, you might think I'm a sad or angry person, since I'm 'bashing' myself, saying I crave attention. But isn't it the truth? Why else do blogs exist? Your friends don't care about your crap, they see it all over facebook anyway, in all of your status updates and wall posts from TextsFromLastNight. Every time you quote someone or quote a song that "describes" you so well. (Until you find another song, or until you take a huge dump and feel better about the day)

Also, yes. I guess I decided to take the sarcastic "I don't give a fuck" path of blogging, because I'm edgy and I want you to think I'm a hardass. Well I'm not, I can tell you that right now. Want to know a little bit about me? I guess we'll talk about that later.

But for now, it's 10:00am, and I haven't been to bed yet. Also I realized that IE has no grammar or spelling check, so this post is most likely full of typos and exausted errors. Back to Firefox, if it will stop being a sonofabitch and re-directing me, that is. Yay viruses.

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